COMPLAINT against Kate Peter, Joshua Abrams, filed by Jose Maria DeCastro. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet category form)(Castilla, Francis) (Entered: 09/02/2022)
On November 7th, counterclaims were filed by Josh Abrams and Kate Peter in response to 'DeCastro v. Abrams & Peter'. Mr. DeCastro claims he filed a Voluntary Motion to Dismiss the day prior, but the Court did not agree. According to the Court filings, Mr. DeCastro has since submitted at least 6 motions to have court show his filing as having taken place before the 7th in what may in an attempt to refile the case in California Federal Court. The Court DENIED all of the motions.
Originally, ThePublicDocuments posted the counterclaims as a separate case but later combined the two as all the docket postings were filed under the original case number.
On November 16, 2022, Mr. DeCastro replaced his original claim with Copyright Infringement and added 50 John Doe Defendants. On December 2nd, Mr. DeCastro amended his new claim, adding Google/YouTube and an additional 20 YouTube John Doe Defendants.
On July 11, 2023, Judge Burroughs issued a number of Orders. These ranged from DISMISSING the Motion for Contempt against Peters requested by DeCastro, DISMISSING DeCastro's unusual Motion for Disclosure by the Court, DISMISSING the Counterclaims by Peter and Abrams, and DISMISSING DeCastro's case.