
DeCastro v. Peter, Clement, Pierattini, Omo Jr., Does 1-30

Neither the plaintiff nor his attorney appeared at the December 5th, 2024, hearing. Hearing was continued and combined with the January 23, 2025, hearing on the Defendants' motion for additional sanctions.

Complaint: Civil Defamation, Stalking, Harassment, Tortious Interference, Right To Publicity. On 02/06/2023, after having failed in Massachusetts in 2 attempts to obtain a RO against KATHERINE PETER, and rulings by the Judge in his Massachusetts Federal Case resulting in denials for many of his motions, JOSE MARIS DECASTRO has filed yet another case against MS. PETER, this time for Slander/Libel, in California State court.

On March 14, 2023, Jose Maria DeCastro filed his 1st amended complaint. While still keeping 30 John/Jane Does, he also added Daniel Clement, Michael Pierattini, and David Omo Jr to the complaint. Michael Pierattini, who has his own YouTube channel called Blue Bacon, has previously been critical of Mr. DeCastro and currently has a restraining order out of Washington State against Mr. DeCastro (see Piertattini vs DeCastro). David Omo Jr. is another YouTube creator whose channel, Team Skeptic, has also been critical of Mr. DeCastro. Mr. DeCastro previously attempted to a file restraining order against Mr. Omo Jr. which was denied due to Lack of Service.

Future Calendar Events
21 Feb 2025 08:30AM
DeCastro v. Peter, Pierattini, Omo Jr. et al
Hearing on Motion for Sanctions / Trial Setting Conference Santa Monica Courthouse
29 May 2025 08:30AM
DeCastro v. Peter, Pierattini, Omo Jr. et al
Hearing on a Motion for Summary Judgement: Santa Monica Courthouse
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