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We value your submissions, tips and hints - but not all will be published. Our guidelines call for new records to have the name of the company, government agency or individual that released the document, the date(s) of the event, along with an incident, citation or document number, and a link to a website to confirm the event. Links to videos or other sources that meet that criteria may be considered, but are normally used to provide additional supporting documentation.

We use an automated screening service to scan for harmful messages and SPAM. That is followed by a detailed review process of uploaded documents to be sure the document is safe and the message content matches our mission statement and document requirements.

Do NOT ask us for advice, opinion, 3rd party contact information, or commentary on any of the subjects or documents we have gathered. Do not ask us to forward messages to Mr. DeCastro. These are not services provided by our website. We are simply a repository for public documents pertaining to Jose Maria 'Chille' DeCastro.
Replies and follow-up communications to messages submitted on this form are NOT guaranteed.

PDF Uploads are optional and limited to 5 Mb. For larger files, please provide the name of the agency releasing the document in your message, along with the details required to locate the document on the agency site, such as case number, document number, etc.


Our Mission

To present the facts about a controversial social media personality and self-proclaimed 'constitutional legal scholar' who may be misinforming and harming the public with commentary that can be viewed as anti-law enforcement, anti-free speech. His reaction to negative or opposing viewpoints often leads to charges of harassment or other legal action, the exposing of critics personal information, and copyright strikes on videos used under the Fair Use doctrine. With the vast number of document locations, our goal is to become a single resource for viewing all the publicly available material.

The Documents

All documents on this site can be found in various locations on the Internet. They have been released under FOIA by government organizations, or by public entities, corporations and individuals. They are public records. obtains these files from Internet sites, or directly from the parties listed above. If information appears to be inaccurate or incomplete, contact the person, organization, agency, or corporation responsible for originally releasing the information to the public. New, updated, corrected, or modified documents will be posted here as soon as we receive a copy.

Gavel   = Active Case