INTERNET Record Group

Record Summary

Trademark Application - DeleteLawz

On January 7, 2025, the USPTO sent Jose DeCastro an Official USPTO Notice of Abandonment as they did not receive his response to the previous Office action by the response deadline. The application is now listed as DEAD with the status changed from PENDING to ABANDONED. A Petition to Revive Abandoned Application must be completing within two months from the date of this notice to contest the decision. Along with the petition and an explaination, if the error was not the fault of the USPTO, a petition fee must also be paid.

On February 21, 2024, Jose Maria DeCastro filed a trademark application for 'DeleteLawz'.

It is unknown if it will be accepted and the review process, according to the Federal Trademark website, has a estimated processing time of 8 months or more.

We have noticed possible inconsistencies in the application that may or may not impact the review:

  • DeCastro lists himself as owner, claiming to be a LLC, and that 'DeleteLawz' is a DBA (Doing Business As). Jose DeCastro is NOT a LLC and neither is DeleteLawz, according to the Nevada Secretary of State website.
  • While the filing is for "DeleteLawz", part of the application appears to be requesting trademark coverage for "Delete Lawz" and "DLZ" as well. This may be the incorrect method of requesting trademarks for 3 different marks.
  • If he believes his Nevada 'Ethics SCS LLC' is the holder of the trademark, his Nevada LLC is in default with the Nevada Secretary of State according to their website. The State website indicates that a business in default is not allowed to operate until the status has been corrected.

On September 16, 2024, Jose DeCastro was sent a notice of non-final action, alerting him of issues with his trademark application for 'DeleteLawz.' He had until December 16, 2024, to officially respond to the notice. An interesting note is that they recommend he obtain a Trademark attorney.

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