Business Ventures

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Trademark Application - 1st Amendment Auditor

On January 31, 2025, the USPTO sent Jose DeCastro an Official USPTO Notice of Abandonment as they did not receive his response to the previous Office action by the response deadline. The application is now listed as DEAD with the status changed from PENDING to ABANDONED. A Petition to Revive Abandoned Application must be completing within two months from the date of this notice to contest the decision. Along with the petition and an explaination, if the error was not the fault of the USPTO, a petition fee must also be paid.

On March 26, 2024, Jose Maria DeCastro filed trademark applications for both '1st AMENDMENT AUDITOR' and 'FIRST AMENDMENT AUDITOR' with the US Government. The fileing date appears to be after he was incarcerated in the Clark County Detention Facility. While Mr. DeCastro may have mailed the application, the website states that the signature method was 'Signed directly within the form.' This has led to speculation that Mr. DeCastro, while in custody, may have submitted the application by proxy, authorizing an unnamed individual to act on his behalf.

As the terms are rather generic and the term 1st Amendment Auditor has been used by many in the YouTube community when filming in public places and goverment agencies, there is doubt that the trademark application will be approved.

As of October 15th, the Trademark office notified Jose DeCastro that he needed to file his application with a physical address and not the mail drop box that he apparently filed with. He was given 3 months from the date of the notice to submit his current physical address. If he corrects the defect, he Trademark application would then have to survive an objection period in which others can contest and/or prevent the final approval.

Trademark Application - DeleteLawz

On January 7, 2025, the USPTO sent Jose DeCastro an Official USPTO Notice of Abandonment as they did not receive his response to the previous Office action by the response deadline. The application is now listed as DEAD with the status changed from PENDING to ABANDONED. A Petition to Revive Abandoned Application must be completing within two months from the date of this notice to contest the decision. Along with the petition and an explaination, if the error was not the fault of the USPTO, a petition fee must also be paid.

On February 21, 2024, Jose Maria DeCastro filed a trademark application for 'DeleteLawz'.

It is unknown if it will be accepted and the review process, according to the Federal Trademark website, has a estimated processing time of 8 months or more.

We have noticed possible inconsistencies in the application that may or may not impact the review:

  • DeCastro lists himself as owner, claiming to be a LLC, and that 'DeleteLawz' is a DBA (Doing Business As). Jose DeCastro is NOT a LLC and neither is DeleteLawz, according to the Nevada Secretary of State website.
  • While the filing is for "DeleteLawz", part of the application appears to be requesting trademark coverage for "Delete Lawz" and "DLZ" as well. This may be the incorrect method of requesting trademarks for 3 different marks.
  • If he believes his Nevada 'Ethics SCS LLC' is the holder of the trademark, his Nevada LLC is in default with the Nevada Secretary of State according to their website. The State website indicates that a business in default is not allowed to operate until the status has been corrected.

On September 16, 2024, Jose DeCastro was sent a notice of non-final action, alerting him of issues with his trademark application for 'DeleteLawz.' He had until December 16, 2024, to officially respond to the notice. An interesting note is that they recommend he obtain a Trademark attorney.

Jose M DeCastro - Business License

On February 2, 2023, Jose Maria DeCastro obtained received a Sole Proprietor business license for 'Jose M DeCastro'.

As of this writing, the Nevada Secretary of State shows this business license as EXPIRED as of February 29, 2024.

Ethics SCS, LLC - Nevada Corporation

On January 15, 2023, Jose Maria DeCastro formed a Nevada version of his California Corporation, this time called Ethics SCS, LLC. It appears to be a remote filing as the corporate address is a virtual address mailbox service. At the time of this writing, the Nevada Secretary of State website list Jose Maria DeCastro as the only officer of the company.

As of this writing, the Nevada Secretary of State shows this company's status as in default status. Jose DeCastro has not filed required paperwork and Ethics SCS LLC is prohibited from conducting business.

Hubilu Venture Corporation - Joined as VP Marketing

A press release from September of 2016 from Hubilu Venture Corporation, a publicly traded real estate consulting and acquisitions company, which specializes in student housing income properties and development opportunities located near Metro stations within the Los Angeles Metro/subway system, announced the appointment of 4 officers, one of which was Jose Maria DeCastro. He title was listed as Vice President of Marketing and stated he had over 20 years of experience.

As of August 17, 2023, Jose DeCastro was still pictured in Hubilu's Twitter banner. Screenshot below.

Twitter Screenshot, 08/17/2023. Jose DeCastro (right).
Twitter Screenshot, 08/17/2023. Jose DeCastro (right).
Twitter Screenshot, 08/17/2023. Jose DeCastro (right).

As per a SEC filing made in 2018, Item 3.01 states "Effective December 31, 2018, Chille De Castro is no longer Vice President of Marketing and is no longer working with the company. He continues to consult on an independent basis with the Company through his marketing company, Ethics, SCS, Inc."

Ethics SCS, Inc.- California Corporation

August 23, 2023 It appears that Jose DeCastro may still be using Ethics SCS, Inc, a suspended California Corporation, to issue Cease & Desist threats to YouTube Content Creators who are expressing their critial opinion of him. We have attached an email received by YouTuber Dickbag Patrol as an example. Dickbag Patrol has been using an animated charater, A.I. Chille, that has a similar sounding voice in parody videos.

In May, 2015, Jose Maria DeCastro formed Ethics SCS, Inc., a California corporation using, Inc. The early filings show Jose Maria DeCastro as the CEO, Secretary, and CFO. The initial filings also show two Directors, himself and David Behrend. Later filings retain Mr. DeCastro in the CEO and CFO positions, but show Daniel Lawler as the Secretary. Also, the later filing has Jose DeCastro as the sole Director with David Behrend removed from the filing. Penalty and Suspension records begin appearing in the file in late 2018. While not on any of the paperwork, a Facebook posting from 2015 shows David Condon praising his partners, David Behrend and Jose DeCastro, as they prepare to launch a new social media venture.

Facebook Posting From April, 2015

The last filing on the Department of State website shows company as Suspended: September 3, 2019.

Sex Ethics SCS, LLC - California Corporation

In December, 2013, Jose Maria DeCastro, using, Inc., formed Sex Ethics SCS, LLC, a California limited liability corporation. In 2017 a series of Penalty and Suspension records begin to appear in the file.

The last filing in the record shows as Suspended: May 1, 2018.

Trademark Applications - Face Force Field / Jock Sock

On June 24, 2005, Jose Maria DeCastro filed trademark applications for Face Force Field and Jock Sock.

Face Force Field: Abandoned July 19, 2006
Jock Sock: Cancelled August 9, 2013

Patent Application for UV Face Protection (Jock Sock?)

On June 21, 2005, a patent application was filed for a protective device that "...provides protection for the user's face from excessive ultraviolet light exposure, particularly when using an indoor tanning bed, which transmits powerful levels of ultraviolet radiation." Jose Maria DeCastro was listed as inventor. A short time later, trademark applications were filed by Mr. Decastro for "Face Force Field" and "Jock Sock" and after that the patent was assigned to Jock Sock, LLC. While the patent was not modified, the company name implies that the intended use was changed to a different body part.

Current Patent Status: Abandoned

Jock Sock, LLC - California LLC Formed

On March 29, Jose Maria DeCastro filed to form Jock Sock, LLC with himself as the only member/manager.

The last filing in the record shows as Suspended: May 1, 2014.

Our Mission

To present the facts about a controversial social media personality and self-proclaimed 'constitutional legal scholar' who may be misinforming and harming the public with commentary that can be viewed as anti-law enforcement, anti-free speech. His reaction to negative or opposing viewpoints often leads to charges of harassment or other legal action, the exposing of critics personal information, and copyright strikes on videos used under the Fair Use doctrine. With the vast number of document locations, our goal is to become a single resource for viewing all the publicly available material.

The Documents

All documents on this site can be found in various locations on the Internet. They have been released under FOIA by government organizations, or by public entities, corporations and individuals. They are public records. obtains these files from Internet sites, or directly from the parties listed above. If information appears to be inaccurate or incomplete, contact the person, organization, agency, or corporation responsible for originally releasing the information to the public. New, updated, corrected, or modified documents will be posted here as soon as we receive a copy.

Gavel   = Active Case