Trademark Application - 1st Amendment Auditor
(Other Records)
Monday, September 16
On January 31, 2025, the USPTO sent Jose DeCastro an Official USPTO Notice of Abandonment as they did not receive his response to the previous Office action by the response deadline. The application is now listed as DEAD with the status changed from PENDING to ABANDONED. A Petition to Revive...
Appeal of 23-DR-013015: Nevada (LVMPD) v. DeCastro
Tuesday, March 26
On March 26, 2024, a hearing on Jose DeCastro's appeal of his conviction and 180 day sentence was scheduled. The hearing date is July 10, 2024, at 9:00 AM. A hearing was held on April 1, 2024, in front of Judge Zimmerman on a montion for bail and release pending his appeal. The motion was DENIED. He...
Read more: Appeal of 23-DR-013015: Nevada (LVMPD) v. DeCastro
DeCastro v. McKnight et al
Tuesday, March 05
As of January 14, 2025, the Disctrict Court for Clark County, Nevada, ORDERS for good cause appearing and after review due to the failure of Plaintiff to prosecute the case, this case is hereby DISMISSED pursuant to EDCR 1.90 and pursuant to EDCR 2.90. On March 5, 2024. Jose Maria "Chille"...
Decastro v. McKnight, Wagner, et al
Monday, March 04
On February 14, 2025, the court issued their "Notice Regarding Intention to Dismiss Pursuant to Rule 4(m) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Jose DeCastro had not served the defendants within 90 days after the complaint has been filed. He appears to have 3 options at this point, and a...
Wyant v. Mejia, DeCastro, et al
Friday, March 01
On January 15, 2025, a request to dismissed the case with prejudice was submitted to the court. As Jose DeCastro did not participate in this case but was only listed as a secondary defendent, ThePublicDocuments.com will not be including this case in the Court Case Scorecard, and may move this...
Collin Campbell v. Jose DeCastro
Monday, February 26
According to the Maryland Judiciary website, on March 25, 2024, Collin Campbell's request for a Peace Order was granted and will be in effect until September 24, 2024. On Febuary 26, 2024, Collin Campbell, Jose DeCastro's one-time business partner, filed for a Peace Order against Mr. DeCastro after...
Trademark Application - DeleteLawz
(Other Records)
Wednesday, February 21
On January 7, 2025, the USPTO sent Jose DeCastro an Official USPTO Notice of Abandonment as they did not receive his response to the previous Office action by the response deadline. The application is now listed as DEAD with the status changed from PENDING to ABANDONED. A Petition to Revive...
City of Las Vegas v. DeCastro
Thursday, February 15
Multiple parties have requested the arresting officer's body worn camera (BWC) video. Now that the case has been dismissed, we are attempting to obtain a copy. On February 15, 2024, Jose Maria DeCastro was arrested for Obstructing/False Info To P. O. We are currently gathering more information and will...
Trademark Application - 1st Amendment Auditor
(Other Records)
Monday, September 16
State of Nevada (NHP) v. DeCastro
Wednesday, November 22
On November 22, 2023, Jose Maria DeCastro was issued a citation by the Nevada Highway Patrol while driving on the Las Vegas Freeway ( IR 15 ) at mile marker 8. While Mr. DeCastro did not release his own version of the traffic stop as he so often does, Body Worn Camera footage has been obtained and is...
Ozaukee County vs. Jose Maria Decastro (2023TR002643)
Wednesday, October 18
Charge Description Statute Disposition 1 No Tail Lamp/Defective Tail Lamp-Night 347.13(1) Guilty. No Contest Plea. $162.70 Fine On October 18, 2023, after what could be called an unsuccessful trip to Michigan to disrupt a government meeting, Mr. DeCastro was pulled over by police in Wisconsin in...
Read more: Ozaukee County vs. Jose Maria Decastro (2023TR002643)
DeCastro v. Wagner, et al (Appeal to the 6th Circuit)
Thursday, October 05
On October 5th, 2023, Jose DeCastro filed this appeal when the Judge dismissed DeCastro v. Wagner, et al with prejudice. On June 25, 2024, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, without hearing oral arguments, denied Jose DeCastro...
Read more: DeCastro v. Wagner, et al (Appeal to the 6th Circuit)
DeCastro v. Las Vegas Metro PD (Appeal to the 9th Circuit)
Monday, August 14
On August 14th, 2023, Jose DeCastro filed an appeal with the 9th Circuit when the Judge in his Civil lawsuit ruled against his montion to stay the Criminal Case against him in Vegas. See related cases DeCastro v. Las Vegas Metro PD and Nevada v. DeCastro (23-CR-013015). On November 21, 2023, the...
Read more: DeCastro v. Las Vegas Metro PD (Appeal to the 9th Circuit)
Wallace v. Las Vegas Metro PD et al (DeCastro Practing Law w/o License)
Wednesday, May 24
November 7, 2023On October 24th, Plaintiff notified the court they were requesting a voluntary dismissal without prejudice of the case against the named defendants, but did not mention LVMPD. Two days later the Court published an order directing Plaintiff to clarify, by November 3rd, if the...
Read more: Wallace v. Las Vegas Metro PD et al (DeCastro Practing Law w/o License)
DeCastro v. Las Vegas Metropolitan PD et al
Monday, April 17
On April 17, 2023, Mr. DeCastro went live on YouTube and stated that he was about to file a Federal lawsuit against Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, the State of Nevada, numerous officers and John Does. This appears to be in retaliation for his March 15 arrest for Obstruction and...
State of Nevada (LVMPD) v. Jose DeCastro
Wednesday, March 15
On April 17, Mr. DeCastro filed a Federal Lawsuit in retaliation for this arrest.DeCastro v. Las Vegas Metro. PD et al On March 15, 2023, Jose Maria DeCastro was charged with Obstructing a Public Officer and Resisting a Public Officer when, while broadcasting live on his Delete Lawz YouTube channel, he...
People v. Jose Maria DeCastro (23IN-022641)
Friday, March 03
On March 3, 2023, Mr. DeCastro had a live stream on his YouTube channel and recorded his interaction with officers from the Apple Valley Unified School District Police Department. According to statements made by the officers and Mr. DeCastro in the video, officers saw Mr. DeCastro driving while...
Jose M DeCastro - Business License
(Other Records)
Thursday, February 02
On February 2, 2023, Jose Maria DeCastro obtained received a Sole Proprietor business license for 'Jose M DeCastro'. As of this writing, the Nevada Secretary of State shows this business license as EXPIRED as of February 29, 2024.
Ethics SCS, LLC - Nevada Corporation
(Other Records)
Sunday, January 15
On January 15, 2023, Jose Maria DeCastro formed a Nevada version of his California Corporation, this time called Ethics SCS, LLC. It appears to be a remote filing as the corporate address is a virtual address mailbox service. At the time of this writing, the Nevada Secretary of State website list...
State of Nevada (NHP) v. DeCastro
Wednesday, November 22
City of Oregon v. DeCastro
Wednesday, November 23
On November 23rd, 2022, a complaint was lodged against Jose DeCastro. This resulted in charges of Telecommunications Harassment being filed against Mr. Decastro by the City of Oregon Police Department. He was to be held on a of $2500 if he returned and arrested. According to the article by Jim...
Pierattini v. DeCastro
Monday, November 14
After YouTuber, Michael Pierattini (a/k/a Blue Bacon), posted a number of videos that were critical of Jose Maria DeCastro (a/k/a Delete LawZ), Mr. DeCastro posted a video on November 11th that contained personal details about Mr. Pierattini and included a threat to provide his address to someone...
DeCastro v. Omo (Team Skeptic)
Friday, October 07
On 10/07/2022 DECASTRO, JOSE MARIA filed a Family - Harassment lawsuit against OMO, DAVID SCOTT, JR. (a/k/a Team Skeptic). This case was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Courts, Stanley Mosk Courthouse located in Los Angeles, California. The Judge overseeing this case is GERBER, HILLARY. The...
DeCastro v. Peter/Abrams (HRO Attempt 2)
Friday, September 23
Around September 23, 2022, Jose Maria DeCastro attempted for the 2nd time to obtain a Harassment Protection Order against Kate Peter using the same evidence that was unsuccessful in the 1st attempt. As with the 1st attempt, a temporary order was denied and when a hearing was held in Massachusetts, the Court...
DeCastro v. Abrams, Peter, YouTube (Google) et al
Friday, September 02
COMPLAINT against Kate Peter, Joshua Abrams, filed by Jose Maria DeCastro. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet category form)(Castilla, Francis) (Entered: 09/02/2022)On November 7th, counterclaims were filed by Josh Abrams and Kate Peter in response to 'DeCastro v. Abrams & Peter'. Mr. DeCastro claims...
Read more: DeCastro v. Abrams, Peter, YouTube (Google) et al
Ohio Supreme Court - Unauthorized Practice of Law
Wednesday, August 31
In August of 2022, a grievance was filed with the Disciplinary Counsel of the Ohio Supreme Court after Mr. DeCastro published a video on his 'Delete Lawz' YouTube channel where he was drafting what was reported to be a power of attorney and instructing another to sign it. While the Disciplinary...
Read more: Ohio Supreme Court - Unauthorized Practice of Law
Theft of a Motor Vehicle (DeCastro's Van Stolen)
(Other Records)
Tuesday, August 16
On August 16, 2022, Jose DeCastro reported his Honda Odssey van stolen by unknown parties during the night while staying at a residence on the 2100 block of 28th Ave in Denver. In the report it is indicated that Mr. DeCastro left the key fob in the unlocked vehicle. A shotgun left in the unlocked vehicle...
People v. Jose Maria DeCastro
Monday, August 08
On August 8, 2022, while possibly conducting one of his 'audits' of police during traffic stops, Jose Maria DeCastro was issued a citation for stopping, parking, or leaving his vehicle on a freeway. On November 16th, 2022, the record shows he was found Guilty in Absentia indicating a Failure to...
People v. Jose Maria DeCastro (ELI070966)
Monday, July 11
On July 11, 2022, Jose Maria DeCastro was issued a citation for exceeding the maximum posted speed of 70 MPH. On September 12, 2022, the record shows a trial was held in Absentia, indicating a Failure to Appear. On October 4, 2022, the record shows the case was ruled as a Conviction: Bail...
DeCastro v. Peter/Abrams (HRO Attempt 1)
Friday, June 10
Near the beginning of June, 2022, Jose Maria DeCastro attempted to obtain a Harassment Protection Order against Kate Peter. A temporary order was denied and when a hearing was held in a Massachusetts on June 10th, 2022, the Court DENIED Mr. DeCastro's request for a long term protection order.
DeCastro v. Wagner, et al
Wednesday, April 13
September 26, 2023The Judge has made it clear that the case has been dismissed with prejudice and cannot be refiled [58].October 5, 2023Plantiff has appealed the decision in this case to the 6th Circuit Court of AppealsJune 25, 20246th Circuit Court of Appeals has DENIED DeCastro's appeal....
DeCastro v. Ironton Police Department, WOWK TV et al
Tuesday, March 29
Jose Maria DeCastro filed a civil action against the Ironton Police Department, WOWK TV, Andi Bernhardt, Bailey Brautigan, and Bob Schaper. Numerous motions to dismiss were submitted and service was not made on a number of parties. On July 27th, 2022 the case appears to have been DISMISSED (with...
Read more: DeCastro v. Ironton Police Department, WOWK TV et al
City of Ironton v. DeCastro
Tuesday, March 29
As of January 28, 2025, there is still an ACTIVE WARRANT in Ohio for this case according to the Court's website. Charges were filed by the City of Ironton after Jose Maria DeCastro refused to leave a city building after closing hours, claiming his unpermitted 'training class' was now a 'protest'. After...
City of Oregon v. DeCastro
Wednesday, November 23
State of Arizona v. DeCastro
Sunday, December 19
On December 19, 2021, Jose Maria DeCastro was cited with 2 moving violations. On or about June 9, 2022, a Judge found him GUILTY of both. Based on the records available at the time of this writing, it appears Mr. DeCastro notified the court that he intends to appeal and, on May 5, 2022, a Motion...
Chavez, Dina B v. DeCastro, Jose Maria
Thursday, September 23
On 09/23/2021 CHAVEZ, DINA B filed a Family - Harassment lawsuit against DE CASTRO, JOSE MARIA. This case was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Courts, Stanley Mosk Courthouse located in Los Angeles, California. The Judge overseeing this case is WARREN, JEANMARIE. The case status is Disposed -...
State of Arizona v. DeCastro
Sunday, December 19
People v. Jose Maria DeCastro (20IN-059018)
Tuesday, June 09
A May 1, 2023, notation showed up on the docket for this citation after Mr. DeCastro received a citation in 2023, (see People v. DeCastro 23IN-022641) and he called to check on the status of this citation. After he paid the 2023 citation it was noted that this hearing was then flagged as...
People v. Jose Maria DeCastro (20IN-059018)
Tuesday, June 09
Laurence Wainer c/o Blow and Drive Interlock Corp v Ethics SCS Inc (DeCastro)
Wednesday, January 03
On January 3, 2018, Laurence Wainer c/o Blow and Drive Interlock Corp initiated a Small Claims lawsuit again Ethics SCS Inc, a corporation created by Jose Maria 'Chille' DeCastro. Docmentation in this case lists Jose DeCasatro as Chille DeCastro, Ethics SCS Inc and Coded Friends. A trial date of...
Read more: Laurence Wainer c/o Blow and Drive Interlock Corp v Ethics SCS Inc (DeCastro)
Laurence Wainer c/o Blow and Drive Interlock Corp v Ethics SCS Inc (DeCastro)
Wednesday, January 03
Sarkis, Hratch v. DeCastro, Jose
Thursday, June 22
OOn 06/22/2017 SARKIS, HRATCH filed a Property - Residential Eviction lawsuit against DE CASTRO, JOSE. This case was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Courts, Santa Monica Courthouse located in Los Angeles, California. The Judge overseeing this case is NORMAN P. TARLE. The case status is...
Sarkis, Hratch v. DeCastro, Jose
Thursday, June 22
Hubilu Venture Corporation - Joined as VP Marketing
(Other Records)
Tuesday, September 27
A press release from September of 2016 from Hubilu Venture Corporation, a publicly traded real estate consulting and acquisitions company, which specializes in student housing income properties and development opportunities located near Metro stations within the Los Angeles Metro/subway system,...
Read more: Hubilu Venture Corporation - Joined as VP Marketing
Hubilu Venture Corporation - Joined as VP Marketing
(Other Records)
Tuesday, September 27
Koenig, Francis v DeCastro, Jose
Friday, December 04
Civil Harassment Prevention (General Jurisdiction) Temporary RO granted. Denied - RO- After Evidence by both
People v. DeCastro (BA441837)
Sunday, November 29
On November 29, 2015, Jose Maria DeCastro was charged with violating California Penal Code 422(A) - Criminal Threats. The case went through numerous preliminary and pretrial hearings. On, April 8, 2023, the date of the Jury Trial, the court records found so far indicate that the case was either...
DeCastro, Jose, et al v Swimsuit Centerfold LLC et al
Wednesday, September 30
On 09/30/2015 JOSE DECASTRO a/k/a CHILLE DECASTRO and DAVID CONDON filed a Property - Other Property Fraud - Fraud (no contract) (General Jurisdiction) - lawsuit against SWIMSUIT CENTERFOLD LLC. This case was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Courts, Stanley Mosk Courthouse located in Los...
Read more: DeCastro, Jose, et al v Swimsuit Centerfold LLC et al
Ethics SCS Inc v. Moradi, Ali
Friday, September 04
On September 4, 2015, Ethics SS Inc (Jose DeCastro's company) initiated a Small Claims action against Ali Moradi DBA Jadou Web Design. On November 16, 2015, the case was ruled against Ali Moradi after, it appears Ali Moradi failed to appear. A judgement issued against Ali Moradi for $1500 plus...
Ethics SCS, Inc.- California Corporation
(Other Records)
Friday, May 15
August 23, 2023 It appears that Jose DeCastro may still be using Ethics SCS, Inc, a suspended California Corporation, to issue Cease & Desist threats to YouTube Content Creators who are expressing their critial opinion of him. We have attached an email received by YouTuber Dickbag Patrol as an...
Koenig, Francis v DeCastro, Jose
Friday, December 04
City of Henderson v. DeCastro
Thursday, June 19
On June 19, 2014, Jose Maria DeCastro was charged with Failure to Obey Traffic Control Devices and Failure to Possess Drivers License or Surrender License Upon Demand. Based upon what can be viewed on the City of Henderson's website, it appears Mr. DeCastro failed to appear and the docket shows a...
City of Henderson v. DeCastro
Thursday, June 19
Sex Ethics SCS, LLC - California Corporation
(Other Records)
Thursday, December 19
In December, 2013, Jose Maria DeCastro, using LegalZoom.com, Inc., formed Sex Ethics SCS, LLC, a California limited liability corporation. In 2017 a series of Penalty and Suspension records begin to appear in the file. The last filing in the record shows as Suspended: May 1, 2018.
Sex Ethics SCS, LLC - California Corporation
(Other Records)
Thursday, December 19
Zoubek, Jacelle v. DeCastro, Jose Maria
Tuesday, August 14
Case Type: Civil Protective Order Disposition: Long Term Order Granted
People v. Jose Maria DeCastro
Wednesday, May 23
On October May 23, 2012, Mr. DeCastro received a citation for crossing the double lines (Citation # 52295PR). With what appears to be a typical response to many of his court cases, Mr. DeCastro also had a charge of Failure To Appear added when he failed to appear for a court date. Charge...
Zoubek, Jacelle v. DeCastro, Jose Maria
Tuesday, August 14
People v. Jose Maria DeCastro (36095HHJD)
Thursday, October 07
On October 7, 2010, Mr. DeCastro received a citation for what appears to be having no registration (Citation # 36095HH). He plead Guilty and was fined. Charge Description Statute Level Disposition 1 Registration Required VC 4000(A)-I Infraction...
People v. Jose Maria DeCastro (36095HHJD)
Thursday, October 07
State of Nevada v. DeCastro
Saturday, August 23
Based on the record found, it appears that on August 23, 2008, Jose Maria DeCastro was issued two citations. One for speeding and the other for failure to produce his driver's license when the officer asked for it. He plead 'Not Guilty' to the speeding citation, but the record shows he paid a fine of...
State of Nevada v. DeCastro
Saturday, August 23
Hanson, Michael v. DeCastro, Jose Maria
Monday, August 27
On 08/27/2007 MICHAEL HANSON filed a Family - Harassment lawsuit against JOSE MARIA DECASTRO. This case was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Courts, Burbank Courthouse located in Los Angeles, California. The case status is Disposed - Judgment Entered.
Hanson, Michael v. DeCastro, Jose Maria
Monday, August 27
Trademark Applications - Face Force Field / Jock Sock
(Other Records)
Friday, June 24
On June 24, 2005, Jose Maria DeCastro filed trademark applications for Face Force Field and Jock Sock. Face Force Field: Abandoned July 19, 2006Jock Sock: Cancelled August 9, 2013
Read more: Trademark Applications - Face Force Field / Jock Sock
Patent Application for UV Face Protection (Jock Sock?)
(Other Records)
Tuesday, June 21
On June 21, 2005, a patent application was filed for a protective device that "...provides protection for the user's face from excessive ultraviolet light exposure, particularly when using an indoor tanning bed, which transmits powerful levels of ultraviolet radiation." Jose Maria DeCastro was...
Read more: Patent Application for UV Face Protection (Jock Sock?)
Jock Sock, LLC - California LLC Formed
(Other Records)
Tuesday, March 29
On March 29, Jose Maria DeCastro filed to form Jock Sock, LLC with himself as the only member/manager. The last filing in the record shows as Suspended: May 1, 2014.
Trademark Applications - Face Force Field / Jock Sock
(Other Records)
Friday, June 24
DeCastro, Jose v. Bytheway, Kacey
Tuesday, June 15
On 06/15/2004 JOSE DECASTRO filed a Family - Other Family lawsuit against KACEY BYTHEWAY. This case was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Courts, Santa Monica Courthouse located in Los Angeles, California. The Judge overseeing this case is TILLMON, BOBBI. The case status is Disposed - Other...
Bytheway, Kacey v. DeCastro, Jose
Friday, June 11
On 06/11/2004 KACEY BYTHEWAY filed a Family - Other Family lawsuit against JOSE MARIA DECASTRO. This case was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Courts, Santa Monica Courthouse located in Los Angeles, California. The Judges overseeing this case were COWAN, DAVID J., TILLMON, BOBBI and JONES,...
DeCastro, Jose v. Bytheway, Kacey
Tuesday, June 15
People v. DeCastro (BA237023)
Sunday, September 22
This information is a summary of what we have found using public background searches, information obtained via other court cases, and self-admissions made by Mr. DeCastro and posted by him to his YouTube channel. Based on the dates of the violations for the cases immediately before and after this...
People v. DeCastro (BA237023)
Sunday, September 22
State of Texas v. DeCastro (222878)
Sunday, August 09
On 08/09/1998 JOSE MARIA DECASTRO was booked into the Denton County Jail in Texas after being arrested by the Hickory Creek Police Department. He was released the next day. The charges on the document appear to be codes that include Expired Registration and Expired Insurance, along with other...
State of Texas v. DeCastro (222878)
Sunday, August 09
State of Oregon v. DeCastro (DCR9611703-D)
Sunday, December 31
On December 31, 1995, Jose Maria DeCastro was charged Giving False Information to a Police Officer. According to the attached court record, an Arrest Warrant was issued on May 8, 1996. The record appears to show no activity over the next 8 years and so, between August and September, 2008, the case was...
State of Oregon v. DeCastro (TC9512033-D)
Thursday, May 04
On May 4, 1995, possibly on the traffic stop on the same day, Jose Maria DeCastro was charged Giving False Information to a Police Officer. According to the attached court record, he plead GUILTY and may have lost his driver's license for a year.
State of Oregon v. DeCastro (9560193-D)
Thursday, May 04
On May 4, 1995, Jose Maria DeCastro was charged with several motor vehicle infractions. Exceed Maximum Speed, Opr Vehcile/Vio Restrictions, and Driving Uninsured. The charges were all listed as DISMISSED on June 1, 1995. The 'Opr Vehicle/Vio Restrictions' statute appears to be 'Driving wo License' which...
State of Oregon v. DeCastro (DCR9611703-D)
Sunday, December 31
State of Oregon v. DeCastro (DCR9412084-D)
Friday, April 01
On April 1, 1994, Jose Maria DeCastro was charged Giving False Information to a Police Officer. According to the attached court record, a warrant was issued on July 14, 1994 for Failure to Appear. On July 18, a motion was filed to disqualify the Judge. Another warrant, this time an Arrest Warrant, was...
State of Oregon v. DeCastro (DCR9412084-D)
Friday, April 01
State of Oregon v. DeCastro (DCR9313738-D)
Monday, December 06
On December 6, 1993. Jose Maria DeCastro was charged with Theft in the Second Degree, a misdemeanor. According to the attached court record, he was found GUILTY. At one point a Warrant had been issued but was later recalled.
State of Oregon v. DeCastro (CR931476-D)
Saturday, September 25
On September 25, 1995. Jose Maria DeCastro was charged with 2 misdemeanors, Stalking and Disorderly Conduct. According to the attached court record, he was found GUILTY on the stalking charge and took part in a diversion program. There is no disposition shown for the Disorderly Conduct charge. At...
State of Alaska vs. Decastro, Jose
Tuesday, August 24
On August 24, 1993, Jose Maria DeCastro was charged Driving while License Canceled, Suspended, Revoked, or in Violation of a Limitation which was later amended to No Valid Operators License. At one point a Warrant was issued for Failure To Appear which was later recalled. Plea of No Contest...
State of Alaska vs. DeCastro
Tuesday, April 20
On April 20, 1993, Jose Maria DeCastro was charged with Driving vehicle when registration suspended or revoked or permit expired.
City of Soldotna vs. DeCastro
Friday, April 02
On April 2, 1993, Jose Maria DeCastro was charged with Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign.
City of Soldotna vs. DeCastro
Tuesday, March 23
On March 23, 1993, Jose Maria DeCastro was charged with 13AAC02.275(a): Basic Speed: Reasonable & Prudent For Road Conditions.
State of Alaska vs. Decastro, Jose
Thursday, March 18
Around March 18, 1993, Jose Maria Decastro was issued citation #T746394 for Negligent Driving by the Alaska State Troopers. According to Alaska State Statutes, Negligent Driving is a step below Reckless Driving. Mr. DeCastro was found GUILTY and fined $250. It appears a Motion was filed to allow...
State of Oregon v. DeCastro (DCR9313738-D)
Monday, December 06
City of Kenai vs. DeCastro
Sunday, August 09
On August 9, 1992, Jose Maria DeCastro was charged Speeding (38 in a 25).
State of Alaska vs. DeCastro
Saturday, July 11
On July 11, 1992, Jose Maria DeCastro was charged with Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign.
City of Kenai vs. DeCastro
Sunday, August 09
State of Alaska vs. Decastro, Jose
Monday, June 25
On June 25, 1990, Jose Maria DeCastro was charged Driving without a Valid Operating License. This fits the common definition of a Criminal Traffic Violation and has thus been tagged as such in our system.
State of Alaska vs. Decastro, Jose
Monday, June 25