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Wyant v. Mejia, DeCastro, et al

On January 15, 2025, a request to dismissed the case with prejudice was submitted to the court. As Jose DeCastro did not participate in this case but was only listed as a secondary defendent, ThePublicDocuments.com will not be including this case in the Court Case Scorecard, and may move this record from the court cases to the 'Other Records of Interest' section of our website at a later date.

On March 1, 2024, Andrew Wyant filed an unlimited civil lawsuit for Property Damage and Personal Injury in Los Angeles Superior Court for a trafic crash that occured on March 19, 2022, around the area of Wilton Place and Santa Monica Boulevard. The Civil Case Cover sheet states that the defendants Andres Mejia and Jose DeCastro operated their vehicle negligently so as to collide with Plaintiff and cause injuries to Plaintiff. This occurred around the time that Jose DeCastro was recording a video to be used as a infomercial for his DeleteLawz YouTube channel. Comparing the photos of the actor in the informercials to photos in the IMDB database, Andres Mejia appears to be that actor. California unlimited lawsuits are for disputes of over $35,000 if filing for monitary damages, and the court filings state that the Plaintiff suffered damages of wage loss, hospital and medical expenses, other damage including future loss of earnings, future medical bills, and more.

Details of the crash are not available at this time and, in California, crash reports are not public records.

On November 27, 2024, a Notice of Settlement of the Entire Case was filed. No settlement details were provided.

DeCastro v. Ironton Police Department, WOWK TV et al

Jose Maria DeCastro filed a civil action against the Ironton Police Department, WOWK TV, Andi Bernhardt, Bailey Brautigan, and Bob Schaper. Numerous motions to dismiss were submitted and service was not made on a number of parties. On July 27th, 2022 the case appears to have been DISMISSED (with PREJUDICE) For Failure to Prosecute.

Our Mission

To present the facts about a controversial social media personality and self-proclaimed 'constitutional legal scholar' who may be misinforming and harming the public with commentary that can be viewed as anti-law enforcement, anti-free speech. His reaction to negative or opposing viewpoints often leads to charges of harassment or other legal action, the exposing of critics personal information, and copyright strikes on videos used under the Fair Use doctrine. With the vast number of document locations, our goal is to become a single resource for viewing all the publicly available material.

The Documents

All documents on this site can be found in various locations on the Internet. They have been released under FOIA by government organizations, or by public entities, corporations and individuals. They are public records. ThePublicDocuments.com obtains these files from Internet sites, or directly from the parties listed above. If information appears to be inaccurate or incomplete, contact the person, organization, agency, or corporation responsible for originally releasing the information to the public. New, updated, corrected, or modified documents will be posted here as soon as we receive a copy.

Gavel   = Active Case