Scorecard Calculations

Our opinion based on the court cases we've reviewed.

Wins and Losses are subjective and not everyone may agree with our tally.

Results may vary based on the criteria used by websites, publications, or individuals.
We apply the following criteria to the Court Case Index to determine the score we present.

'Mr. DeCastro' includes Jose DeCastro aka Delete LawZ and/or one of his companies formed with the name Ethics SCS

Criteria: Results:
Mr. DeCastro (Plaintiff) filed a case and prevailed Win
Mr. DeCastro (Plaintiff) filed a case and it was either dismissed or the Defendant prevailed. Loss
A case AGAINST Mr. DeCastro (Defendant) and Mr. DeCastro prevailed or the case was dismissed. 1, 2 Win
A case AGAINST Mr. DeCastro (Defendant) where the other party (Plaintiff) prevailed. 2 Loss
  1. In a number of cases, Mr. DeCastro left the jurisdiction of a Court before his case could be resolved. does not consider Failing To Appear and having a bench warrant issued for your arrest as "winning" a case unless you later return to court and receive a favorable ruling. Therefore, we record Failing to Appear cases in the "Loss" column, even if the case should later be dismissed, closed, or not prosecuted due to the passage of time.
  2. A Deferred Entry of Judgment could be both a 'Win' for completing the program and a 'Loss' as a Guilty plea had to be entered to qualify. To be fair, we will not give these cases a score, but it is an arrest and meets the definitions we use for "A Criminal Record?".
  3. A Guilty verdict that is overturned on appeal is considered a "Win" on the appeal and a "Loss" on the original charge, thus the two cases result in a wash and will have no impact on the overall scorecard results.

Civil cases where an undisclosed settlement is reached are excluded as the results cannot be determined.

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If you believe our scoring to be in error, please Contact Us and we will review the case.

Our Mission

To present the facts about a controversial social media personality and self-proclaimed 'constitutional legal scholar' who may be misinforming and harming the public with commentary that can be viewed as anti-law enforcement, anti-free speech. His reaction to negative or opposing viewpoints often leads to charges of harassment or other legal action, the exposing of critics personal information, and copyright strikes on videos used under the Fair Use doctrine. With the vast number of document locations, our goal is to become a single resource for viewing all the publicly available material.

The Documents

All documents on this site can be found in various locations on the Internet. They have been released under FOIA by government organizations, or by public entities, corporations and individuals. They are public records. obtains these files from Internet sites, or directly from the parties listed above. If information appears to be inaccurate or incomplete, contact the person, organization, agency, or corporation responsible for originally releasing the information to the public. New, updated, corrected, or modified documents will be posted here as soon as we receive a copy.

Gavel   = Active Case